Ixxat Automation Others Driver Download For Windows

Duplication (copying, printing, microfilm or other forms) and the electronic distribution of this document is only allowed with explicit permission of IXXAT Automation GmbH. IXXAT Automation GmbH reserves the right to change technical data without prior announcement. The general business. With the included VCI driver for Windows, the CAN@net NT like all IXXAT CAN-PC interface cards can be used. Thus, with the CAN@net NT all the IXXAT VCI-based tools, such as the cananalyzer, may be used, but also customers own applications that are created on the basis of the VCI driver.

mos89@yahoo.com - 2019-03-15


i read the user manual:
for Inserting a Ixxat USB Adapter

The component CmpIxxatCANDrv is based on the Ixxat VCI V4 API, which supports the USB dongle and other hardware. Refer to the company homepage of 'HMS Industrial Networks' for additional information.


Support for the Ixxat VCI V4 API is implemented only for CODESYS Control Win V3 and CODESYS Gateway V3.

.To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the driver from the manufacturer website and install it on the Windows operating system.
  2. Open the PLC configuration file CODESYSControl.cfg in a text editor. This file is located in the CODESYS installation directory GatewayPLC.
    If you want to use the CODESYS Gateway V3, then open the Gateway.cfg.
  3. Add the following lines to the section [ComponentManager]: Component.X=CmpIxxatCANDrv.

i wrote

Ixxat Automation Others Driver Download For Windows 8

  1. Check that the component numbers X (X=1,2,3, …) are sequential without any missing numbers.
  2. Save the changes and close the editor.
  3. Start the runtime system.

    CODESYS shows the detected Ixxat hardware and the respective CAN network number in the PLC logger.

Ixxat Automation Others Driver Download For Windows 7

where i can see that ?

Driver Downloads For Windows 7

  1. Type the CAN network number in Network of the CANbus General tab.